Thursday, February 7, 2008

Break on Through to The Other Side....

The long drive to school has found me pondering the oft posed question of what is Art and what isn't Art. Although I do acknowledge that there is a perceived difference in forms of artistic expression, I have strong intuitive feelings about putting limitations on creative expression that deny their value as Art.
I was delighted as I watched last weeks videos that showed me other ways to use my body and imagination to communicate ideas. Their daring efforts to convey and engage an unknown [internet] audience is an art form unto itself.
I don't feel that there is a "pat answer" to the "Art" question, but rather that the concept of "Art" is relative to the experiences and perceptions the Artist and viewer bring to a piece.
And so might I suggest that putting limitations on:
  • what is Art
  • what isn't Art
has the potential to stifle the creative process for each of us. It limits our perceptions of materials, medium, as well as our imagination. Instead why not encourage exploration and break on through to the other side by living life as Art.

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